Audited Financials and Form 990
Financial Disclosure Information
Certain federally tax-exempt nonprofits are required to complete the IRS Form 990 (Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax) each year. The Form 990 discloses information on the filing organization’s mission, programs and finances. It allows the federal government to regulate nonprofits and can be used by financial supporters to help allocate donations and grants. It also provides information to governmental agencies that help enforce nonprofit laws and presents a formal and public outlook on the organization’s financial condition, strengths and weaknesses, and income sources.
Your historic Hawaii Theatre Center provides both the required IRS Form 990, as well as our annual Audited Financial reports completed by our independent auditing firm via our website for public inspection. As an IRS 501c3 designated charity, we take very seriously our responsibility to provide our donors and the public with a transparent accounting of the funds we have expended in pursuit of our mission.
The Theatre operates on a Fiscal Year that begins on June 1 and ends on May 31st of the following calendar year. Because of the timing of the end of our fiscal year cycle, our annual tax returns for the end of the prior fiscal year are normally completed and filed by the April deadline, and our annual audit is completed around the same period. For more information on our program activities, please contact us at
IRS Form 990 Files can be downloaded from these links:
AUDITED FINANCIALS can be downloaded from these links:
ANNUAL REPORTS can be downloaded from these links: